At JASHPURE, we take immense pride in presenting a brand that goes beyond the ordinary – a brand that stands for authenticity, sustainability, and the untamed beauty of nature. Our tagline, "Tribal Touch, Pure Perfection, Nature's Best Unveiled," encapsulates the essence of what we represent – a harmonious blend of traditional wisdom, purity, and a commitment to showcasing the best that nature has to offer. Upcoming Event - 2024

District Admin Initiatives

Jashpur District is experiencing a significant transformation under visionary leadership. Driven by a dynamic and youthful approach, the administration envisions accelerated community growth through strategic Public-Private Partnerships.

Emphasizing that progress lies in harnessing the potential of collaborations between the public and private sectors, the district administration is dedicated to strengthening this initiative with the support of the honorable Chief Minister.

Witness the positive changes unfolding in Jashpur as the district embraces a future marked by collaboration, innovation, and progress.

Embarking on the path of sustainable development and the Aatmanirbhar Bharat vision, the district administration has initiated a series of groundbreaking programs aimed at doubling farmers' income. Among these, the Manthan Food Lab, Mahua Centre of Excellence, and a focused approach on product research and development stand out.

Manthan Food Lab

The Manthan Food Lab acts as a catalyst for local farmers, leveraging innovative technologies to enhance agro-processing capabilities. Simultaneously, the Mahua Centre of Excellence serves as a hub for excellence, particularly in the processing of forest products and millets. These initiatives collectively strive to elevate the processing and post-processing methods for agricultural products available in Jashpur district.

Manthan Food Lab

The tangible outcomes of these efforts are reflected in the creation of a range of new products, fostering economic benefits that directly reach the farming community. The district's commitment to sustainable agriculture is not only shaping a self-reliant India but also contributing to the larger goal of doubling farmers' income.

To delve deeper into the success stories and explore the diverse range of products developed through these initiatives, Click Here

Mahua Centre of Excellence

At the forefront of revolutionizing the perception of Mahua flower, the Mahua Centre of Excellence stands as a beacon of transformation, shifting its narrative from being merely associated with liquor to the revered "green gold" – a nutritional powerhouse. Inspired by tribal culture, this initiative is reshaping Mahua's identity by harnessing its nutritious essence.

Mahua Centre of Excellence
Nutritional Marvels:

Dedicated to exploring the nutritional benefits of Mahua flower, the center is actively engaged in developing a range of healthy products. Drawing inspiration from indigenous wisdom, it seeks to create a new narrative around Mahua, positioning it as a vital and wholesome food source. The focus extends beyond mere consumption, emphasizing the creation of products that contribute to holistic well-being.

Mahua Centre of Excellence
Innovative Product Portfolio:

The Mahua Centre has successfully crafted an impressive array of world-class products, including Mahua candy, four varieties of Mahua ladoos, cookies, biscuits, shots, and more. Each product is a testament to the rich nutritional content of Mahua, offering both flavor and health benefits. These innovations not only redefine culinary experiences but also promote sustainable and nutritious dietary choices.

Mahua Centre of Excellence
Empowering Communities:

The initiative goes beyond product development, incorporating a holistic approach. A pivotal aspect involves the collection of food-grade Mahua, directly benefiting over 900 families in its inaugural year. This sustainable practice not only ensures a year-round livelihood for tribal communities but also empowers over 40 tribal women who actively participate in the collection process.

The Mahua Centre of Excellence is not just changing the narrative of Mahua; it is creating a nutritional legacy that transcends traditional boundaries. Join us in celebrating the journey from "green gold" to a symbol of health and prosperity.

Product Research & Development

Product Research & Development

Welcome to our thriving community where innovation, sustainability, and consumer well-being converge to shape a future of abundance and prosperity. At the heart of our district initiative lies a passionate commitment to enhance livelihoods and deliver the very best to our valued consumers. Our relentless pursuit of excellence in new product development is yielding fruitful results, ushering in a wave of positive change.

In our relentless quest to provide innovative solutions, we recognize the pivotal role that sustainable practices play in creating a resilient and thriving ecosystem. With a vision firmly rooted in enriching lives and fostering well-being, our administration is actively engaged in collaborating with leading institutes in the field. This strategic partnership allows us to tap into cutting-edge research, ensuring that our products are not just a testament to quality but also pioneers of sustainable practices.

At the heart of our success is a dedicated team of local experts who bring their unique insights and skills to the table. This collaboration is a testament to our commitment to support and empower our local talent, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. Through this synergy of local expertise and global insights, we are charting new territories in product development, setting the stage for a redefined consumer experience.

Our focus extends beyond mere product creation; we are on a mission to add substantial value to every offering. By integrating highly nutritious elements into our products, we are not just meeting the needs of today's consumers but exceeding their expectations. Our commitment to providing products that enhance health and well-being is unwavering, and our dedication to this cause is reflected in every innovation that bears our name.

As you navigate through our website, you will discover a diverse range of offerings that exemplify our dedication to excellence. Each product is a testament to our collaborative approach, where the administration, institutes, and local experts converge to create something truly exceptional. Join us on this journey as we continue to push the boundaries of innovation, sustainability, and consumer satisfaction.

Welcome to a world where new product development is not just a process; it's a promise of a brighter, healthier, and more sustainable future.

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