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Haritkranti Aadiwasi Sahkari Samiti marydit Bagicha

A Name of the FPO Haritkranti Aadiwasi Sahkari Samiti marydit Bagicha
B Location Block- Bagicha Dist-Jashpur (C.G.)
C Implementing Entity Rural Education and Development Society (READS)
D Registration Date 15.01.2015
E No. of farmers 1000 Farmers
F No of Total Covering Village 42
G Product Jeeraful Rice,Kodo Kutaki, Mustard, pulses, Raagi Ata Mustard, Pear, Mango, Strawberri Etc

I. Pre-Project Status-

Physical/Location/Geographical- Haritkranti Aadiwasi Sahkari Samiti marydit Bagicha FPO project is being implemented in Bagicha Block of Jashpur district chhattisgarh. The project area is located far away 30 -40 km from block head quarter and 70-80 km from District head quarter. All 1000 FPO Member is covered through 42 Village in this FPO Project.

Success Story Header FPO Details / Brief (in Box) A Name of the FPO Haritkranti Aadiwasi Sahkari Samiti marydit Bagicha B Location Block- Bagicha Dist-Jashpur (C.G.) C Implementing Entity Rural Education and Development Society (READS) D Registration Date 15.01.2015 E No. of farmers 1000 Farmers F No of Total Covering Village 42 G Product Jeeraful Rice,Kodo Kutaki, Mustard, pulses, Raagi Ata Mustard, Pear, Mango, Strawberri Etc I. Pre-Project Status- Physical/Location/Geographical- Haritkranti Aadiwasi Sahkari Samiti marydit Bagicha FPO project is being implemented in Bagicha Block of Jashpur district chhattisgarh. The project area is located far away 30 -40 km from block head quarter and 70-80 km from District head quarter. All 1000 FPO Member is covered through 42 Village in this FPO Project. Social and economic condition of FPO Members - Before the FPO project intervention, Jashpur district, deprived of basic facilities, the farmers of this area were victims of exploitation by the middleman before the Farmer Producer Organization, they used to buy the product of the farmers at throw away prices, as well as local shopkeepers of fertilizers, seeds, pesticide by selling them at arbitrary prices. took advantage of compulsion,So they could not get actual price of their product, because everyone know ,The biggest obstacle in increasing farmers income in India are the profiteering middlemen and Due to which the cost of farming could not be recovered, which it was forced farmers are used to migration outside for labour work. Due to which living standard was very low and poor.


With the support of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), PODF, the Haritkranti Aadiwasi Sahkari Samiti marydit Bagicha FPO was sanctioned on 31 march 2015. This FPO was registered on 15/01/15 by the joint efforts of the local farming community in Bagicha and Rural Education and Development Society, a society registered under Chhattisgarh Co-operative Act, 1960. There are 1000 farmers who part of the FPO. 95% of them belong to scheduled tribes, 19% are PVTGs, 16% are women. 70% of our FPO members own less than 5 acres of land. FPO is running two agriculture input center by which farmers save up to 30% on items like seeds, pesticides etc. FPO members today directly sell a variety of produce such as chilies, tomatoes, pears, mangoes, scented rice in major markets in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Odisha. FPO established small-scale scented rice processing units by which farmers sell rice instead of paddy, helping them earn an additional 8-10 rupees per kg

III. Post-Project Status-

Physical/Location/Geographical- After the intervention of project horticulture and agriculture area is increased in the project area and Change in cropping pattern in this area (New crop variety introduced) Productivity and production (Crop wise). Changes in improved agricultural practices adopted in FPO area (SRI, SWI, organic farming, soil testing, Drip, etc.).

Social and economic condition of FPO Members - After the intervention of project, FPO members are getting actual price of their product. Rising input prices along with many reasons make agriculture more expensive, farmers are saving up to 30-40% in input cost by purchasing high quality seeds, fertilizers and pesticides directly from the input companies through their FPO. The direct benefit of reduction in the cost of agriculture has increased the income of the farmers. Today, farmers have become free from middleman, have opened their own input center, Chilli Processing Unit has also been established for FPO in collaboration with District Administration and has started on the way of doubling their income by adopting commercial approach by doing marketing and processing work.

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