At JASHPURE, we take immense pride in presenting a brand that goes beyond the ordinary – a brand that stands for authenticity, sustainability, and the untamed beauty of nature. Our tagline, "Tribal Touch, Pure Perfection, Nature's Best Unveiled," encapsulates the essence of what we represent – a harmonious blend of traditional wisdom, purity, and a commitment to showcasing the best that nature has to offer. Upcoming Event - 2024

Imli Paste 250gm

Imli Pachak Gatagat 180gm

MFG BY : Amar Self Help Group, Portenga, jashpur

Elevate your snacking with our Imli Paste! Packed with invigorating energy, immune-boosting properties, and digestion support, it's the perfect blend of taste and wellness in every spoonful. Recharge with natural goodness!

Ingredients -
  • Tamarind Pulp
  • Water
  • Lodized Salt

Rich in -

Vitamin B6, C,E,Copper,Iron,Magnesium,Phosphorus,Calories , Carbs

Health Benefits -

May Boosts Energy, Strengthen Immunity, Aids Digestion.

₹40.00 ₹55.00

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